David Darling
Energy Healing ~ Spiritual Life Coaching Plant Medicine Preparation & Integration ~ Space Clearing & Blessing
I’m happy you’re here.
I am delighted to offer my services as a spiritual life coach, an energy healer, a psychedelic guide, a teacher, and a friend.
I offer my clients a compassionate ear, a calm and caring heart, an open mind, and lots of space to be who they are as they process and transform whatever they are working on. (And we’re all working on something, aren’t we?)
Nothing brings me more joy than seeing people discover their most authentic selves on the path of healing & awakening.
Healing is a return to wholeness. It is finding balance. It is a reclamation of all that lies in the shadows. It is the untangling and unraveling of fear patterns until all that remains is our truest essence. Healing is coming home to the innate peace and happiness that we are.
Awakening is the dawning realization that we are already home, and that there is nothing to heal. It arises as a shift in our perception, a remembering of our intrinsic perfection, our wholeness, oneness, and connection to Spirit. It is what happens when the seeker in us falls away and we discover that we were never lost. There is no problem. There is nothing to seek, and nothing to find. It’s all already here. There is nothing that needs to be done.
There is nothing mystical or grandiose about awakening. It is a simple joy, a tender astonishment. It is both ordinary and miraculous.
Come join me on the journey of remembering that everything is always perfectly okay as it is. Let’s find those parts that think otherwise, and love them back into wholeness.