Offerings & Services
Shamanic Healing Session
In-person or remote
60 mins - $150
First we discuss your background, your reasons for coming, your intention for healing, and anything else that may be relevant. I will ask you questions to get an overall sense of what is going on in your life at this moment.
Then you will lay on a massage table (fully clothed), where I help you relax and get connected with a brief guided meditation, and prepare for receiving the gift of your healing.
Then I silently say a prayer invoking helping spirits, guides, allies, ascended masters, our higher selves, and any other beings who wants to come support our highest good and healing.
I tune in to you and do a “scan” to sense what is going on in your field, be that of a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual nature.
I receive guidance and “instructions” about how to proceed from there.
Shamanic healing work never looks the same way twice, and as such, it can be hard to describe after this point. I enter into a light “trance” state, and working with a variety of tools to move and clear energy, to extract the old and bring in the new. I use feathers, tobacco, rattles, drums, chimes, bells, bowls, tuning forks, oils, stones, palo santo, and agua florida to work with and move energy. I don’t use them all in one session, but some combination, depending on what you need. They are all out and available, and we see what comes up!
The session always ends with a blessing. I begin and end by seeing you as already healed, perfect, divine, and luminous (because you are!). I gently bring you back and welcome you to step into your new, healed self.
Then I will share with you some insights from my experience working with you. There are often messages from the helping spirits, as well as guidance about how to “move forward” and integrate the work we have completed.
Space Clearings & Blessings
In-person or remote
Pricing varies/starting at $200
A space clearing & blessing is a wonderful way to reset and positively charge the energy in our homes or work spaces, clearing any negative, imbalanced, or stuck energies that can accumulate over time.
This is ideal for new homes to clear the energy of the previous tenants, businesses where “heavy” energy is regularly exchanged (doctor’s offices, therapist’s offices, law offices, bars, funeral homes, etc.), as well as new businesses that want a clean start unaffected by any of the energies from the previous tenants that may have operated there.
Everything has a consciousness and everything is spirit, and this includes what we often think of as inanimate buildings. Our homes and work spaces are made of raw materials, and those raw materials can be seen as spirit. The space they create holds the energies that they are filled with, and well as the energies of the land they are built on. Over time these energies can start to feel stale, stuck, or in need of a reset. The spirit of the space and the land needs to be acknowledged and worked with from time to time to create an optimally heathy condition.
Pricing varies depending on size and location.
Remote clearings are also available. I can work with (and through) you in your space. All I need are pictures of it.
Visionary Plant Medicine Integration
In-person or remote
60-75 mins - $150
Visionary plant medicines such as ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, huachuma (San Pedro), and others have become widely sought-after over the last decade or so, and continue to surge in popularity. The power and mystery of these experiences are something to behold, but what happens when they’re over?
Without proper support and guidance, we can be left wondering what happened to us. The communication of the plants can sometimes be perplexing, mysterious, and highly symbolic. (It can also be extremely clear and direct!) In order to maximize their benefit, we must find a way to ground these experiences in our bodies, and integrate them into our day-to-day experience. As my first teacher told me, “When the ceremony is over, the real work begins.”
There is a common misconception that ingesting visionary plant medicines will automatically heal us, awaken us, or usher us into a state of enlightenment. If only it were this simple.
There is incredible power and potential to heal past wounds, fractured relationships, trauma, physical ailments, and to awaken through the ceremonial use of these visionary plant medicines, but it is not automatic. It is not handed to us on a platter. It requires our full participation, especially after the ceremony is over. It can take time to fully integrate a powerful medicine experience. When I first began working with ayahuasca, it was not uncommon for me to feel like I had not fully integrated the experience for up to 6 months afterwards.
In a VPM integration session, first we will open sacred space and talk about your experience. Then we will feel our way into your experience, work with it in the body, as well as the emotional field. Then we will do some energy work to process anything that came up that did not get fully addressed or resolved. There may still be some integrating to do after this session, but it will help significantly and will greatly shorten the amount of time it takes to fully process.
Without proper integration, our VPM experiences often get reduced to stories, like a strange dream we once had, and end up serving little more purpose than to entertain friends at a party. Without proper integration, these experiences can stay in the intellect, reduced to concepts, and so we do not reap the full benefits of what we may have learned, felt, seen, or experienced. They do not become part of our lived experience. These plants have the power to transform us, but we have to meet them halfway. They often show us areas in the self that need some attention, some healing, or some resolution. It does happen that we can work through, release, and resolve these things in a ceremony or during our experience. But not always. Sometimes the medicine gives us homework to do. But we don’t always want to do it, know how to do it, or have the proper support to do it. This is why VPM integration sessions can be very helpful. Schedule one now, or reach out for a consultation if you’re not sure if this is right for you.
Tobacco Clearing & Blessing
15 mins - $25
In this 15-minute clearing, we will first connect to find out what you need clearing, support, or protection around. Then I will sing a healing song into the sacred tobacco to awaken, charge, and program it. Then we will light it and blow it into different points in your field, following the guidance of the head tobacco spirit, to where it needs to go to give you the best clearing as well as bringing in new, higher frequency energy. Then we will conclude our time with a short message from the medicine to you. That’s it.
Why tobacco?
A tobacco clearing and blessing is a wonderful thing to receive. It can be a great way to start the day if you are doing something significant or just want to call in some extra blessings, support, and protection. It’s great to do before or after any traveling, especially air travel. It’s also a great way to end the day, especially if you’ve been busy, had a particularly challenging day, or feel like you’ve been out in the world a little too much and feel a little drained or “slimy” from other people’s energy. It’s also great for general maintenance or if you just want to get your energy field cleared. I use it on myself every day, regardless of what kind of day I’m having.
History of tobacco
Tobacco is native to the Americas and has been used for some 10,000 years. It is known to be a master plant, the grandfather, or the head of all medicine plants, and is regarded as the most powerful healing plant on the planet. It is not a visionary plant in the same way that ayahuasca, peyote, or psilocybe mushrooms are, and so its power is often overlooked.
It has been domesticated and cultivated as a crop and widely misused resulting in innumerable deaths. When something is as powerful as tobacco, it can be extremely dangerous or even deadly when misused, and so from one perspective we can infer the power of tobacco just by how many people have been killed from misusing it. When used properly, it is a powerful healing plant, particularly known for its cleansing and protective qualities.
A tobacco clearing is quick, easy, affordable, and allows you to take a moment out of your day to be still, reset, receive a gift, cleanse yourself, and connect to a greater field of awareness.
Free Consultation
Over the phone or Zoom
20 mins - free
I'm available to connect to answer any questions about my work, so we can get to know each other, and to see if it feels right to work together.

Offerings & Services
In-person or remote
60 mins - $150
What to expect during a shamanic healing:
First we discuss your background, your reasons for coming, your intention for healing, and anything else that may be relevant. I will ask you questions to get an overall sense of what is going on in your life at this moment.
Then you will lay on a massage table (fully clothed), where I help you relax and get connected with a brief guided meditation, and prepare for receiving the gift of your healing.
Then I silently say a prayer invoking helping spirits, guides, allies, ascended masters, our higher selves, and any other beings who wants to come support our highest good and healing.
I tune in to you and do a “scan” to sense what is going on in your field, be that of a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual nature.
I receive guidance and “instructions” about how to proceed from there.
Shamanic healing work never looks the same way twice, and as such, it can be hard to describe after this point. I enter into a light “trance” state, and working with a variety of tools to move and clear energy, to extract the old and bring in the new. I use feathers, tobacco, rattles, drums, chimes, bells, bowls, tuning forks, oils, stones, palo santo, and agua florida to work with and move energy. I don’t use them all in one session, but some combination, depending on what you need. They are all out and available, and we see what comes up!
The session always ends with a blessing. I begin and end by seeing you as already healed, perfect, divine, and luminous (because you are!). I gently bring you back and welcome you to step into your new, healed self.
Then I will share with you some insights from my experience working with you. There are often messages from the helping spirits, as well as guidance about how to “move forward” and integrate the work we have completed.
In-person or remote
Pricing varies/starting at $200
A space clearing & blessing is a wonderful way to reset and positively charge the energy in our homes or work spaces, clearing any negative, imbalanced, or stuck energies that can accumulate over time.
This is ideal for new homes to clear the energy of the previous tenants, businesses where “heavy” energy is regularly exchanged (doctor’s offices, therapist’s offices, law offices, bars, funeral homes, etc.), as well as new businesses that want a clean start unaffected by any of the energies from the previous tenants that may have operated there.
Everything has a consciousness and everything is spirit, and this includes what we often think of as inanimate buildings. Our homes and work spaces are made of raw materials, and those raw materials can be seen as spirit. The space they create holds the energies that they are filled with, and well as the energies of the land they are built on. Over time these energies can start to feel stale, stuck, or in need of a reset. The spirit of the space and the land needs to be acknowledged and worked with from time to time to create an optimally heathy condition.
Pricing varies depending on size and location.
Remote clearings are also available. I can work with (and through) you in your space. All I need are pictures of it.
In-person or remote
60-75 mins - $150
Visionary plant medicines such as ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, huachuma (San Pedro), and others have become widely sought-after over the last decade or so, and continue to surge in popularity. The power and mystery of these experiences are something to behold, but what happens when they’re over?
Without proper support and guidance, we can be left wondering what happened to us. The communication of the plants can sometimes be perplexing, mysterious, and highly symbolic. (It can also be extremely clear and direct!) In order to maximize their benefit, we must find a way to ground these experiences in our bodies, and integrate them into our day-to-day experience. As my first teacher told me, “When the ceremony is over, the real work begins.”
There is a common misconception that ingesting visionary plant medicines will automatically heal us, awaken us, or usher us into a state of enlightenment. If only it were this simple.
There is incredible power and potential to heal past wounds, fractured relationships, trauma, physical ailments, and to awaken through the ceremonial use of these visionary plant medicines, but it is not automatic. It is not handed to us on a platter. It requires our full participation, especially after the ceremony is over. It can take time to fully integrate a powerful medicine experience. When I first began working with ayahuasca, it was not uncommon for me to feel like I had not fully integrated the experience for up to 6 months afterwards.
In a VPM integration session, first we will open sacred space and talk about your experience. Then we will feel our way into your experience, work with it in the body, as well as the emotional field. Then we will do some energy work to process anything that came up that did not get fully addressed or resolved. There may still be some integrating to do after this session, but it will help significantly and will greatly shorten the amount of time it takes to fully process.
Without proper integration, our VPM experiences often get reduced to stories, like a strange dream we once had, and end up serving little more purpose than to entertain friends at a party. Without proper integration, these experiences can stay in the intellect, reduced to concepts, and so we do not reap the full benefits of what we may have learned, felt, seen, or experienced. They do not become part of our lived experience. These plants have the power to transform us, but we have to meet them halfway. They often show us areas in the self that need some attention, some healing, or some resolution. It does happen that we can work through, release, and resolve these things in a ceremony or during our experience. But not always. Sometimes the medicine gives us homework to do. But we don’t always want to do it, know how to do it, or have the proper support to do it. This is why VPM integration sessions can be very helpful. Schedule one now, or reach out for a consultation if you’re not sure if this is right for you.
15 mins - $25
In this 15-minute clearing, we will first connect to find out what you need clearing, support, or protection around. Then I will sing a healing song into the sacred tobacco to awaken, charge, and program it. Then we will light it and blow it into different points in your field, following the guidance of the head tobacco spirit, to where it needs to go to give you the best clearing as well as bringing in new, higher frequency energy. Then we will conclude our time with a short message from the medicine to you. That’s it.
Why tobacco?
A tobacco clearing and blessing is a wonderful thing to receive. It can be a great way to start the day if you are doing something significant or just want to call in some extra blessings, support, and protection. It’s great to do before or after any traveling, especially air travel. It’s also a great way to end the day, especially if you’ve been busy, had a particularly challenging day, or feel like you’ve been out in the world a little too much and feel a little drained or “slimy” from other people’s energy. It’s also great for general maintenance or if you just want to get your energy field cleared. I use it on myself every day, regardless of what kind of day I’m having.
History of tobacco
Tobacco is native to the Americas and has been used for some 10,000 years. It is known to be a master plant, the grandfather, or the head of all medicine plants, and is regarded as the most powerful healing plant on the planet. It is not a visionary plant in the same way that ayahuasca, peyote, or psilocybe mushrooms are, and so its power is often overlooked.
It has been domesticated and cultivated as a crop and widely misused resulting in innumerable deaths. When something is as powerful as tobacco, it can be extremely dangerous or even deadly when misused, and so from one perspective we can infer the power of tobacco just by how many people have been killed from misusing it. When used properly, it is a powerful healing plant, particularly known for its cleansing and protective qualities.
A tobacco clearing is quick, easy, affordable, and allows you to take a moment out of your day to be still, reset, receive a gift, cleanse yourself, and connect to a greater field of awareness.
In-person or remote
60 mins. - $150 per session
packages available:
- 4 sessions/$500
- 8 sessions/$800This coaching program is designed for (but not limited to) those who are relatively new to the path of healing & awakening. We all need support sometimes, and the terrain of spirituality, consciousness, meditation, and healing can be tricky to navigate without any proper support and guidance, especially at the beginning.
This program begins with a consultation to discuss your desires, concerns, objectives, and goals, and to make sure it feels right for you. There is also a requirement of one shamanic healing session prior to coaching sessions. This allows me to get a better understanding of what is going on with you energetically, and helps me to better be able to support you.
Results tend to be more effective with a commitment of 2-4 months. Extended support is also available.
Sessions are bi-weekly unless other arrangements are made.
This program might be for you if:
-you have experienced a spiritual awakening and aren’t sure what to do next
-you don’t have many people you can talk to about spirituality and “the big questions”
-you have experienced a profound psychedelic experience and have more questions than answers
-you have recently gone or are currently going through a big transition and feel ungrounded/untethered and in need of support
-you were raised in a religious environment but feel that it no longer serves or supports you
-you are looking to take a big step forward in life, but aren’t sure where to start
What you will get from this program:
-consistent, reliable support from an experienced guide
-tools to build or elevate your spiritual and meditation practices
-daily practices to help you stay grounded connected
-shamanic tools and wisdom for practical purposes
-text, email, and phone support in-between sessions
-someone in your corner rooting for you!
Email or book a free consultation today!
phone or Zoom - 20 mins
I'm available to connect to answer any questions about my work, so we can get to know each other, and to see if it feels right to work together.